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The Clean Campaign Website offers you the opportunity to donate electronically to any candidate in your registered district who is participating in the Open and Ethical Election Fund. You are welcome to donate to every candidate in your district, or just one. However, the site will require you to start a new donation for each candidate. Also, please note that the site will not know if you have already donated to a candidate. So, though the site will allow you to make multiple contributions to a candidate, the City Clerk’s Office will not certify more than one contribution per individual per candidate.

The Open and Ethical Election Code requires participating candidates to collect $5 contributions from 1% of the voters registered in the district they are running for office. Once a candidate has met this donation threshold, the candidate is granted additional funds from the City to run their campaign.

To Donate to a Candidate, You Must:

  • Be registered to vote in the candidate’s district
  • Use your own personal funds for the donation
  • Not be promised anything in return for the donation
  • Give the donation of your own free will

To Proceed to the Donation Page, Click Below: